The ultimate musical summer experience FULL of forbidden love, a bear in the woods, and campers who get very... very... ginkgy...
Gaieties is an annual, student-written musical extravaganza dating back to 1911. Performed the week before Big Game against Cal, Gaieties is the ultimate celebration of how clever we are as Stanford students.
History of Gaieties
When Ram’s Head Theatrical Society was founded in 1911, Gaieties was born with it. That year, the group produced the first rendition of the show, known then as the “Football Follies,” a performance to rally students for the Stanford- Cal rugby game. The name was soon changed to the current “Big Game Gaieties.” From the 1920s until the mid-1950s, the show was a revue of unrelated songs and sketches, sometimes three or more hours in length! In 1968, a misunderstanding between producers and writers led to the show not being produced. Gaieties returned to Stanford in 1976 as a staple of Big Game Week. The 1970s introduced the now-familiar plot and theme of “Beat Cal!” What you witness tonight is 113 years in the making: the alchemy of blood, sweat, tears, and above all else, laughter.
Each year the plot is completely different (read: unhinged), but there are always a few constants:
Assuming STP, where T = 273.15 K and P = 1 ATM, the constants for a standard Stanford Gaieties are as follows:
All leads must be freshman (or new students! An important caveat!)
Stanford must defeat Cal
Someone must fall in love
The president of the university usually makes a cameo (see example 2021, MTL in a feather boa).
There must be a villain from Cal, and as per musical theater convention they usually sing a jazzy evil villain song in a sultry minor key.”
Stanford Memorial Auditorium (MemAud)
November 20th through the 22nd. Show starts at 7:00pm, doors open at 6:30pm.
Wednesday: Frosh night
Thursday: Community + students from all years! (BEST NIGHT TO HEAR AND SEE THE SHOW IMO)
Friday: Upperclass (Self-op/Co-op) night
Bag Checks & Security
PLEASE DON'T BRING BAGS. Bags are highly discouraged, and we are REQUIRED to perform bag checks each night of the show. Any alcohol found in bags will be CONFISCATED. On our Friday performance, SUDPS will be running the bag checks. Students will be running bag checks on Wednesday/Thursday. Please reach out to ananyaud@stanford.edu if you have concerns about this or would like to request acommodations to feel more comfortable.
Accessibility Accommodations
For students needing financial aid, please fill out the form linked here.
For accommodations or physical assistance, please contact ananyaud@stanford.edu.
If you need a disability-related accommodation or wheelchair access information, please contact: the Diversity & Access Office, at phone: (650) 725-0326 or email: disability.access@stanford.edu. Requests should be made by 11/12/23.
Producers: Ananya Udaygiri, Taber Cannon, Rush Bogin
Director: Hailey Ramzan
Lead Composer: Simon Lee
Head Writer: Noah Goldsmith
Production Manager: Lindsay McKinley
Stage Managers: Raina Yang, Mary Duffy
Technical Director: Eliza Siebers
Executive Producer: Helena Vasconcelos
Production Staff
Associate Producer: Mandla Msipa
Associate Director: Viviana Iglesias
Assistant Director: Logan Gaines
Co-Technical Directors: Carson Lauer, Sam Prausnitz-Weinbaum
Music Director: Josh Delgadillo
Vocal Directors: Simon Lee, Athena Naylor
Props Master: Andreea Jitaru
Sound Designer: Jude St John
Lighting Designers: Ryan Dukes, Jonathon Howell, Trini Rogando, Leyth Toubassy, Zoe Tweedie
Costume Designers: Bryan Diaz, Ezra Melosh
Set Designer: Eliza Siebers
Social Media Director: Juliet Bell
Photographer: Oscar Wan
Assistant Stage Manager: Edward Lam, Selma Adams
Community Manager: Aurelia Leowinata
Web Developer: Eliot Hertenstein
Creative Staff
Choreographers: Helena Li, Angela Gall
Additional Composer: Sebastian Hochman
Lyricists: Noah Goldsmith, Simon Lee, Sebastian Hochman
Writing Staff: Dawn Royster, Carter Staggs, Julio Gomez, Cassie Shaw, Steve Mendeleev, Brynne Malina
Dramaturg: Liam Smith
Creative Advisory Board: Aadya Joshi, Ethan David Scott, Via Lipman, Angelina Krinos
Ram's Head Board
Executive Producer: Helena Vasconcelos
Katie Mannion, Katie Resnick, Ricky Rios
Jessica Korobkin, Ishani Mukherjee
Finley: Sam Cousins
Scarlet: Mai Ideshita
Raquel: Gabrielle Rosado
Lindsay: Quincy Stone
The Fizzler: Carter Staggs
Burk: Janelle Olisea
Oski: Kamran Ansari
Stan: Nathaniel Leong-On Wong
RA Quigley: Oriana Riley
Erin: Molly Maloney
Jess: Disha Cattamanchi
Matthew: Oliver Chally
Sabine: Sam Dizon
Zach: Nick Buckovich
Chris: Gabriel Clark
Mime: Bryan Nguyen
Kevin: Kevin Chen
Albus: Steven Wan
Jason: Chris Vinasco
Alexis Tuchinda, Chloe Hei
Bella Meyer, Ryan Rong
Kaiqiao Tang, Sofia Martinez
Devy Gonzalez, Kat Crawford
Pit Orchestra
Conductor: Joshua Delgadillo
Alto Sax: Eric He
Clarinet: Carl Purisima
Drumset: Nathan Tran
Flute: Ginelle Servat
Violin: Theresa Jiao, Jayden Yeung
Assistant Triangle Player: Turalura Goldfarb
Trumpet: Danny Argudo
Electric Guitar: Kuzey Kantarcıoğlu
Electric Bass: Elline Harrison
Keyboard: Kaleb Gjestson
Viola: Zach Benton
Acoustic Guitar: Berwyn Berwyn